The “Soul” progresses through inner balance “Sthirah”; Soul comes in physical existence as part of the soul journey and manifests what it has accumulated in the journey from source. The human body and for that matter every consciousness that is in the earth plane is an accumulation of the cause and effect in the journey of the soul. The journey goes on in a spiral, evolving through experience into a higher form of consciousness. The goal of life’s effort is to keep moving in the spiral and each step of the way is the other shore actually reached. Every time we are in a state of balance, it is an indication that we are in alignment with the journey, the state of Sthirah (Balance). We at Soul Sthirah facilitate to attain the space of peace, tranquility and wisdom by therapeutic and cognitive interventions.

The Soul Sthirah is a team of experienced people who expertise in breaking and decoding the postulate and facilitate to align to soul journey with balance of mind and emotion.

We offer experiential group learning, workshops, individual healing and coaching sessions. Our interventions help to empty the mind of all ignorant projections, biases, preconceptions and bundled negative emotions besides lifting consciousness.

Human’s are the only species on earth that feel and think and our course of life is completely dependent on our ability to feel and think. Feeling and thinking together form emotions and emotions have a distinctive way to block the soul journey in form of reaction and defense mechanism called postulates. When our emotions are in alignment with the soul journey what comes out is creativity, progress and abundance to thrive in life. However, when emotions take on to negative mental postulates, conflict will arise not only in the immediate environment but also within the physical body. These postulates manifests in all sorts of mental issues, physical diseases and destructive relationships.



Radha Murali 

Founder - Transpersonal Regression Therapist, Psychologist, Inner Child Healer, Theta Healing Practioner

Radha practices wide-ranging techniques which include Psychotherapeutic Intervention, Counseling, Inner Child Work, Transpersonal Regression Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Ego State Therapy, Age Regression, Mindfulness, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Rhythmic Relaxation Technique (RRT), Energy Work, Chakra healing and Past Life Therapy.

Her techniques can address many issues by speaking directly to the subconscious mind in a language that it comprehends.

Our mission to uplift people through value-based transmuting processes.